Bollywood actress Shruti Haasan recently shared her thoughts on why she prefers being in relationships instead of getting married. In a recent interview with Pinkvilla, she talked about her personal life and explained her choice to avoid marriage,Fear of Attachment and Good Terms Separation highlighting her fear of attachment as a key factor.
When Shruti Haasan was asked if she still stands by her decision not to marry, she replied that she enjoys relationships and romance. However, she emphasized her fear of attachment as a reason for her hesitation. She mentioned that while she’s open to the idea of marriage, she hasn’t met anyone special yet.
When asked if her past experiences make her hesitant, Shruti said it’s just her personal feeling. She has witnessed many beautiful marriages among her friends and peers. However, she believes her fear of attachment makes her perspective unique to her.
Regarding her decision not to marry, Shruti affirmed that she loves relationships and romance. Nevertheless, her fear of attachment keeps her cautious about the idea. She mentioned that while she can’t say she’ll never marry, she doesn’t currently envision it happening. If the right person came along, she might reconsider, but at this moment, she doesn’t see it happening.
Shruti Haasan and Santanu Hazarika were previously in a relationship. They connected on social media, and their friendship grew from a shared love for art, music, and movies. They dated for almost four years but broke up in March 2024. Despite their breakup, they parted ways on good terms, choosing mutual respect over conflict.
A source shared in April that Shruti and Santanu’s separation was due to personal differences. They both agreed on good terms that ending the relationship was the best choice for them. Shruti’s focus remains on personal growth and relationships that align with her values, emphasizing that her fear of attachment continues to shape her decisions.
While Shruti Haasan’s decision to avoid marriage might stem from her own feelings, she has acknowledged the beauty of successful marriages around her. Despite her fear of attachment, she remains open to the possibility of finding the right person. For now, she continues to prioritize relationships where she can part on good terms if things don’t work out.