Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal, a beloved couple, marked their two-year engagement anniversary with thrilling skydiving adventures that delighted their fans. The Sonakshi Sinha Zaheer Iqbal skydiving anniversary was a memorable one as they celebrated in style, sharing their excitement with everyone.
In a video shared by the couple, they jump from a plane and show their excitement to the camera. The breathtaking views captivate them, and they even share a laugh by playing rock, paper, scissors while free-falling. It was a truly unique way to commemorate their Sonakshi Sinha Zaheer Iqbal skydiving anniversary, filled with joy and adventure.
On December 30, 2022, Sonakshi and Zaheer got engaged. Two years later, they decided to celebrate by skydiving, making their Sonakshi Sinha Zaheer Iqbalskydivinganniversary even more unforgettable. “We’re ending 2024 on an exciting high note and can’t wait to see what 2025 brings us. Happy New Year, everyone! Make it amazing,” they shared with their fans.
The Sonakshi Sinha Zaheer Iqbal skydiving anniversary didn’t go unnoticed by their celebrity friends. Manisha Koirala commented, “Woooohoooo! You two have lived my dream of skydiving! Way to go!” Huma Qureshi added, “I can’t believe you made her do it.” Their daring skydiving adventure truly caught the attention of everyone, especially on their Sonakshi Sinha Zaheer Iqbal skydiving anniversary.
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal are making lasting memories around the globe. From romantic trips in Singapore, the Philippines, and Italy to wandering the streets of New York City, their Instagram looks like a continuous vacation. Their Sonakshi Sinha Zaheer Iqbal skydiving anniversary marks just one of many exciting chapters in their love story. Right now, they are enjoying their time in Australia, creating even more beautiful memories.
It’s very nice ☺️🙂